Becoming Sage

"Sage speaks to the gorgeous tragedy that is inherent in women loving one another as they come to love themselves.  Often funny and always heartfelt Sage speaks with an intensity that will grip you and take you on a journey you do not want to miss."

Up Coming Performances

I will be performing with Nightshade's experimental film The Stage and Crain at The Glint November 1st.  More info here:

Also to keep up on progress with my new film Black Sheep please like our Facebook page: 

 Jamie Cotton aka Sage is a freelance writer, filmmaker and performance artist  residing in the San Francisco  Bay Area. She is interested in writing from the inside out and developing a uniquely female voice.  “There are words and ways of speaking that belong only to women, but we have to reach through the centuries of men’s voices within us to find them, reclaim them, and bring them back out into the world.  Poetry is fundamental to that language of women.  Telling our stories with our voices and our bodies brings this language fully to life.”  

Jamie received a degree in Theology from Saint Mary’s of Notre Dame University.  She has lived in France, Israel, and Japan.  She has appeared in two full-length movies (her claim to fame is a Godzilla movie), several shorts, numerous Japanese television shows, as well as  in many print publications both locally and abroad.  In 2001, she toured with Caryn Horwitz’s Production of the lesbian comedy Girl Meets Girl in which she played the character of Annie.  She has also toured with her own one-woman show My Mother's Hand and other things that burn.  Recently, Sage has been creating and performing with the Queer Girl Theatre Project.