

I am really excited about my new film project about a young girl with Tourettes who is befriended by a SF street musician.  I had an enormously talented cast and a dedicated crew and our film days were just a blast.  Check out photos and Like our face book page to follow our progress and be the first to find out about primer dates! : 

Different by nature. Freak by choice. 

When a young girl with Tourette's encounters a struggling street performer on a city bus, a quirky and inspirational friendship is formed causing the world around them to alter in unexpected ways. In this film Amanda, a smart but awkward teen with Tourettes, meets hippy street musician Jasmine, and an unlikely friendship is formed. When Amanda meets Jasmines friends who inhabit a circus co-op she discovers that in San Francisco counter culture, weird is the new normal. Her conservative Christian mother, however, is determined to keep her away from what she believes to be pot-smoking hedonistic homosexual freaks. By seeing past the Tourette’s, Jasmine finds Amanda to be an intelligent, witty and interesting young girl. Through simple acceptance and friendship Amanda’s self confidence builds. Amanda’s new found quirky confidence inspires Jasmine to share her art with the world. This inspirational friendship then begins to affect everyone around them. This script is smart, witty and touching and it essentially depicts what I think San Francisco is all about; a place where everyone can find acceptance. Each person’s uniqueness should be accepted and even celebrated. By being just as curious about the things that make us different as we are about ways to blend in, even something as socially awkward as Tourette’s can be a source of inspiration.

We Women Fuck

the film

We Women Fuck is a humorous and poetic exploration of the way women "do it" with each other.  This film uses both visual and verbal images in order to create for its audience the unique experience that women share physically, emotionally and spiritually when they take their clothes off and take each other in. The soul-felt words of writer/performer Sage (Jamie Cotton) combined with the profound vision of director Jenny Jagour is sure to make this experimental short film an uncommon delight.  To find out more go to

click here to see a rough cut of the film so far 

to view flyer click here 

The Dildos 


coming soon to a computer near you

I have recently launched my first web series based on the lives and times of a family of anthropomorphic sex toys.  The Dildos are sure to make you laugh and hopefully will become a popular contemporary classic as it is well written and character driven even as its premise is a bit unconventional. 

For more on the Dildos go to

to read the first script click here

We are still looking for a few more volunteer crew members to help us with production so if you would like to be a part of this project click here