SweetFire Produtions

Sweetfire Productions

When we first did Girl Meet Girl in Denver CO, we realized we had just become a part of something very special and very unique.  There was something magical and truthful about this production and our performance of it.  We knew what we had just created had to expand beyond the boundaries of our hometown and had to be shared with communities across the country.  We also knew this would not be easy.  We declared our selves crazy and dedicated artists, created a production company, produced benefits and fund raisers and took to the road.  In each city we are faced with the challenge of raising enough money to continue on to the next.  So far our passion, dedication, creativity and hard work, as well as, the support of our amazing audiences has carried us through.

Sweetfire Productions was create specifically to provide funding for the tour of Girl Meets Girl.  In each city we perform a variety of benefits, hold events and sell merchandise in order to raise the funds needed to continue our tour.  You can help us spread the laughter by attending a benefit or event, by becoming a sponsor, by purchasing merchandise at our lobby table, or by simply donating to the cause through our donation box in the lobby or by sending a check to:

Sweetfire Fanclub

Thank You for your support.  You are our inspiration!

The Lobby Table

Please stop by and visit us at our lobby table where you will find a plethora of fun and fascinating products, as well as, information on how you may further support the Girl Meets Girl adventure/cause.  There are books and CDs representing some of our individual projects, as well as, Girl Meets Girl t-shirts for sale.  There is additional information on our upcoming projects and benefits and tour schedules so you can inform your friends around the country of when we will be in a city near them. Also, this is where you will drop off your raffle ticket information and money.  Most importantly, however; this is where we will be after the show waiting to see your glowing faces and receive your joyous praise.  So stop by with comments, questions and compliments.  We are always happy to talk with our fans.