What She Does To Me

 what she does to me


guys, listen, when I tell you I’m a lesbian

back off

I’m not being mean

It’s just that I know who I am

and I know what I want

and it took me a long time to get here

and there is no way I am going back

so don’t give me one of those pathetic tired lines

you know the ones I’m talking about

like “I’m really a lesbian trapped in a man's body,” or

“Maybe you just haven’t been with the right guy yet.”

dude maybe YOU just haven’t been with the right guy yet!

but the worst most insulting line of all is this:

“You know, I can do to you whatever she does to you.”

whatever she does to me

whatever she does to me

you have no idea what she does to me

she makes my breasts scream and my mouth sweat and my finger tips salivate

just by walking in the room

she makes my cunt catch fire and my heart breathe deep

she makes my soul coo and my head swim and my smile explode

she makes me small and soft and sweet even when I don’t want to be

she makes me strong and brave and noble; a force to be reckoned with

even on a bad day

she    makes me feel alive

 you can’t do what she does to me because what she does to me has nothing to do

with doing anything

so let’s get something perfectly clear

I am not a lesbian because of what anybody did or didn’t do to me

bottom line

I am a lesbian because   I love   to lick   pussy

so if you don’t have one I’m not interested

 you see

I love the way it tastes

I love the way it smells

I love the way it feels on the tip of my tongue

 I like the way a woman’s body sounds when it hits the bed hard

I want to open a shirt and find breasts

I want to unzip pants and find a pussy

and when I do I want to remove those pants

push her knees up towards her chest and lick from ass crack to clitoris

I love to lick pussy

I love to find those forgotten places

the small nicks and crannies

that have been waiting oh so patiently to be found, explored and pleasured

 I like to taste every layer of her

parting folds with a twinge of my tongue

reminding her

that some part of the miraculous lives between her thighs

ahh, between her thighs

I will bury myself there

entrenched as if in wartime

hunker down as if waiting for a vicious storm


I am in this for the long haul

DON’T try to rush me

 because a pussy is a bountiful feast

a grand repas

and I like to eat slow

I like to   play   with my food

tease my meal

take my time

ease  a woman slowly out of her body with long lavish strokes

and them slamming her back in with a sudden and intense flicker of the tongue


I will lick a pussy from the outer rims to the inner rims

from the front to the back from the back to the front

upside down and turned around and sometimes sideways

hell, I’ll stand on my head and lick a pussy if I think it will feel good

I love to lick pussy

I love to bring a woman to that tacit edge of ecstasy and then real her back in

let up a little, lick slower, change positions or change my focus

just to delay the process so I can lick longer

but don’t worry I’ll bring her back, I’ll bring her back time and time and time again

I’ll wear myself out with it

my jaw will start to ache and my arm starts to go numb and my hip feels like it is twisting out of its socket and my back is beginning to spasm

but I don’t mind

because the pussy is meant to be a challenge

It is meant to be difficult and trying and treacherous

playing pussy is an impossible sport

like volleyball on the moon

or swimming in the Sahara

 you see the pussy is a feral beast in need of domestication

a shrew in need of taming

a stallion unbroken

and I am a Pussy Whisperer

 the pussy is a country in need of revolution

and like any successful coup

it takes time and dedication and discipline

it takes a willingness to engage in struggle

an understanding of the need for suffering

 if I am not willing to risk the possibility of bodily harm

in order to overtake a pussy

than damn it I just don’t want it bad enough

after all, if you think about it

 I am asking her to give over everything to me

her mind, her body, her soul

I am asking her to put away all her weapons and take down all her walls

And walk away from everything that keeps her safe in everyday life

I am asking her to take leave of her senses

to excuse her sense of reason

to abandon her rational mind

I am asking her to take off her skin

and believe she can breathe underwater

 I am requesting that she exit the world as she knows it

enter the foreboding landscape of the exquisite, exotic soul

abandon her consciousness

leave the safety of her psyche

and come away with me

and there is always the chance that we will not make it back

 so if I’m not desperate and sweating and hurting

if I am not feeling just a little mean with wanting

than I’m just not doing it right

 I don’t want it to be easy

when I can no longer feel my arm and when I am cursing my hip and my back and when my jaw is starting to lock up

that’s when things are just getting good

when I swear I can’t take anymore and I am actually contemplating giving up

I know she will start to moan

Not the small cooing and sighing and sweet pleasure noises

but the altering states moans

the losing grip on reality moans

the entering semi-consciousness moans

the “Don’t you fucking stop” moans

and the aching in my hip and the spasms in my back and the numbness in my arm and the weakness in my jaw just don’t matter anymore

I become renewed

redeemed by her moaning

 now know I can overcome anything … any thing

her moaning has given me super powers

 there could be a tornado

an earthquake

a fucking tsunami

and I would not stop

there could be a police raid

a bomb scare

hell my dead catholic grandmother could rise from the grave and walk into that room

and I would not stop

 because I love the way her body is trembling

and the way the trembling turns into quaking

and the quaking turns into undulations

and the moaning has turned into screaming

and I am screaming in my mind

 “Please, please, please cum!”

and I thrust myself harder and she thrust herself harder

“Please, please, please cum!”

so that I forget the necessity of breathing

“Please, please, please cum!”

and then   she does

and again I am renewed

and now I am screaming

“Please, please, please don’t stop cumming”

don’t ever stop cumming

cum forever

this could be it

the ultimate orgasm

the never-ending orgasm

the everlasting orgasm

the eternal orgasm

then I realize that my hip no longer hurts my back is not spasming, my jaw is no longer weary my arm is no longer numb

as a matter of fact my body no longer exists

I no longer exist

she no longer exist

there is no bed below us

no walls around us

no cloths recklessly strewn across the floor

no messed up covers cascading into the abyss

there is only this… this…


this… instance

there is only this… this…

taste in my mouth

this beautiful taste

this sweetness

this love

it is the taste of her… of us

of the sanctity of women… of all women

it is the taste of  pure impossible bliss

 and this is why I am a lesbian

to know this fountain

to perfect this alchemy of women

to arrive at this scared place

drink, savor and be reborn again and again and again

 but humans have a limited capacity for such bliss

and all too soon she is begging me to stop

her body can not take anymore

so I extrapolate me from her

I unfold my crippled body

crawl up the wreckage of her

to her beautiful, contorted face

which is laughing and crying


I hold her close

as close as I possibly can

which is never close enough

I wish I had a zipper - right here

that started at the top of my breast bone and went down to my navel

I could open me up and let her in

because I know she is as vulnerable as a human being ever gets

and I know I made her that way

and for just a moment

I am the master of the fucking universes

AND this... this is what she does to me

she makes me overwhelmingly grateful that God

or the Goddess

or whatever it is that arranges this universe

made me   a lesbian

so please, guys, when I tell you I’m a lesbian

back off

I’m not trying to be mean

it’s just that I know who I am

and I know what I want

It took me a long time to get here

and I know I’m never   

ever   EVER   going back